Sometimes, if you let the imagination loose, you end up reaching a few common wishes. I had a chance of discussing with a few people that what would they like to have, or what would make them feel very happy, or if you fantasize a little and list out a few things, many things will concur. Trust me, some of these wishes are common over the generations! A tiny list is:
  • Less money, a more satisfied heart
  • Lots of free time, carefree time
  • Books and beverages
  • A house with walls and floor of aquarium
  • A cottage in mountains
  • A house with lawns on all four sides
  • Living in a jungle, away from the crowd
  • A tree house
  • Horse riding/ owning a horse
  • Watching wild horses gallop
  • Observing a star filled night
  • Seeing the less seen places
  • Treading on clouds
  • Flying in any form
  • Diving/ Swimming
  • World tour (that covers a lot of things)
We share dreams. We share imagination. We, as children drew mountains, sun, moon, stars, cottages, cars, curvy roads and flowers on a plain piece of paper, built cushion castles, assigned comfortable tree branches as our home, we tried to fly with a cape around our neck, swim between furniture items, jumped over lava or a pond with crocodiles, defeated monsters, saw the moon and stars up close at the high point of swing... all in our imagination :) We pursue happiness, we like ticking things off our list and moving on to the next item.  Shish Mahal in Lahore is an attempt to materialize this dream of treading on clouds and bringing the stars down for oneself.