We just strive for better grades, without any
focus on actual learning and fine tuning our personalities. That just ruins our
precious time at the university. If there is strong interaction between our
class fellows, juniors or seniors, a few years later we have brighter chances
of a better business.
is another video, that speaks volumes about how impractical we are after more
than a decade of "learning". I seriously urge the teachers and
educationists, to design a practical syllabus, arrange activities outdoors,
cooking, cleaning, building simple shelters, basic survival skill set, earning
pocket money, reusing wasted materials, bringing down the costs of assignments
by improvisation, practical knowledge of what's under the car hood, changing
tyres, plastering a wall, shuttering, mowing a lawn, topiary, hitch hiking,
self defense.... there is so much to do!!! Why can't we produce well rounded
personalities? Cramming dates, tackling MCQs, filling in the missing words,
short answers to theory questions really don't help in practical life. I am
thinking of making my nieces learn how to build a low cost "jhuggi",
a local tiny tensile structure, made of cloth, rope and shredded bamboo,
that is seen in slums around the city :) I think, children of those slums are
better able to deal with life, although they very underprivileged.